Home Page
We designed the home page to get users off the page as quickly as possible and into our inventory. Our old site had slideshows, Facebook Feed plugins and other distracting things that did not pertain to the users desire to shop for a vehicle. So we did away with any animation and went with a large image that would attract the customers attention and hopefully be pleasing as well as not distract from the purpose the user was there for. We also created almost everything as a link to our inventory pages. We didn't want customer trying to figure out anything but rather make it intuitive and fun to use.

One of our six individual store home pages. Designed to be complementary to the auto group site.
Search was designed around lettings users search the way they wanted to, many dealership sites limit users to searching under one make at a time. With brand loyalty at an all time low it seemed right to do away with this old way of thinking.